Maritime Festival to Celebrate the Opening of Bantry Bay Harbour Marina

Friday 07 April 2017
Maritime Festival to Celebrate the Opening of Bantry Bay Harbour Marina
For boat registration only
Bantry Bay Port Company hope you can join us for a mini maritime festival to celebrate the opening of Bantry Bay Marina and Inner Harbour development, on Saturday 12th August 2017.
Why not sail to Bantry and join us for a BBQ and weekend stay on the new marina. A mini maritime festival will take place in Bantry Harbour with plenty to do and see both on land and on the water over the weekend.
Registration fee €24.99 - this entitles you to 7 nights on the marina (must include wkend 11th -13th August) and BBQ on the quayside on Saturday 12th August 2017. All boats are most welcome to join us on Friday 11th August at 1pm for the official opening ceremony.
First 20 boats to register will receive a €100 voucher for a local restaurant.
Place limited so please book early. If this event is full please contact the Assistant Harbour Master in Bantry Bay Port on 027-53277.
Register your boat here