(Admiralty Charts No. 1838 and 1840 Refers)
Bantry Harbour
Persons in charge of all craft and in particular commercial craft are required to navigate with due care and attention in Bantry Harbour. Complaints have been received of commercial vessels proceeding without due care and attention, creating excessive wash and placing the operators of small craft in danger.
Mariners are advised that a large number of small craft are engaged in shooting and hauling pots, tending long lines and other similar activities at all times in various areas of the harbour and may not be readily visible.
Mariners should be aware that the effect of wash may be felt at a distance from the source and should adjust their speed accordingly when navigating in the vicinity of such craft.
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea give clear guidelines on keeping a proper lookout and on safe speed.
Michael Murphy
Assistant Harbour Master
Harbour Office
Wolfe Tone Square
Co Cork
May 2014